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Revolutionizing the Fight against Bronchopneumonia: Stem Cell Therapy for Renewed Breathing

Revolutionizing the Fight against Bronchopneumonia: Stem Cell Therapy for Renewed Breathing. Explore Cutting-Edge Advances for Respiratory Health. Act Now for Enhanced Respiratory Well-being! Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia, an inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection from viruses, bacteria, or fungi. In the field of Regenerative Medicine, significant strides have been made in […]

Stem Cells for Pneumonia

Stem Cells for Pneumonia. In the last 2 years, significant progress has been made in studying how to treat patients with pneumonia, primarily based on studies to mitigate pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Some recent studies can provide insights into the significant advancements made in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory conditions. University of Granada […]

Stem Cells Fight Coronavirus Effectively

Stem Cells Fight Coronavirus Effectively

Stem Cells Fight Coronavirus Effectively. An article was published in the scientific journal Aging and Disease (2020). Establishes that Mesenchymal Stem Cells are a safe and effective treatment against COVID-19. Worldwide, researchers have registered at least 10 projects for clinical trials. Including the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for patients with coronavirus pneumonia. After the […]