Revolutionizing the Fight against Bronchopneumonia: Stem Cell Therapy for Renewed Breathing

Revolutionizing the Fight against Bronchopneumonia: Stem Cell Therapy for Renewed Breathing. Explore Cutting-Edge Advances for Respiratory Health. Act Now for Enhanced Respiratory Well-being! Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia, an inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection from viruses, bacteria, or fungi. In the field of Regenerative Medicine, significant strides have been made in […]
Stem Cells for Pneumonia

Stem Cells for Pneumonia. In the last 2 years, significant progress has been made in studying how to treat patients with pneumonia, primarily based on studies to mitigate pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Some recent studies can provide insights into the significant advancements made in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory conditions. University of Granada […]
Stem Cells Fight Coronavirus Effectively

Stem Cells Fight Coronavirus Effectively. An article was published in the scientific journal Aging and Disease (2020). Establishes that Mesenchymal Stem Cells are a safe and effective treatment against COVID-19. Worldwide, researchers have registered at least 10 projects for clinical trials. Including the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for patients with coronavirus pneumonia. After the […]