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Curb the Silent Killer: Join the Fight Against Diabetes-related Deaths Now!

According to the Mexican Diabetes Federation, diabetes is one of the deadliest diseases in Mexico and worldwide. It’s not because it can’t be controlled; there are treatments available. It’s because this disease often stems from poor eating habits and the misuse of sugary foods.

Understanding the Types

Diabetes has five specific types: Type I, Type II, Pre-Diabetes, Mellitus, and Gestational. It’s important to note that Mellitus is not a generalized form of diabetes, as it’s sometimes mistakenly believed.

A Growing Crisis in the 21st Century

In the 21st century, the world is witnessing a staggering increase in diabetes cases, and this has also resulted in a rise in diabetes-related deaths. What’s alarming is that the number of diabetes-related deaths has grown significantly. In the 1990s, there were an estimated 900,000 cases, but by 2012, there were over 1.5 million deaths. Subsequently, nearly 2.3 million more people succumbed to the disease in the following years. The astounding figure of 440 million people living with diabetes highlights that the world is well aware of the disease. Despite its controllability, many still resist changing their dietary habits and sugar intake.

A Global Crisis

With nearly 500 million affected individuals, it’s safe to say that one in every 11 people worldwide has diabetes. Additionally, an uncounted number of people exhibit prediabetic symptoms, putting them at risk. The risk of mortality from diabetes appears to increase significantly after the age of 50. However, at least 3.7 million individuals have died prematurely, well before the age of 45. This dire scenario involves both Type I and Mellitus diabetes.

More exact mortality statistics show that Mellitus diabetes is more prevalent in the United States, which holds the top position for diabetes-related death rates. Following closely are countries like Mexico, Spain, and those in the Middle East.

Eternal Medical Center

Deaths Caused by Diabetes Worldwide: Trends Over the Years Diabetes is more than just a disease; it’s a problem that has gradually entrenched itself in our lives, creating havoc in public health. It’s like a global pandemic, mutating and expanding. However, it’s not a virus; it’s simply the result of dietary abuse and the pancreas’s inability to produce insulin.

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Around the world, diabetes is particularly prevalent in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions, largely due to high sugar consumption and the consumption of heavily spiced foods, which lead to hypertension and the emergence of Mellitus.

Following closely are American countries, which have seen a significant increase since the 1980s. America ranks as the second continent with the highest prevalence of diabetes, followed by Asian countries, Europe, and finally, Africa.

Immediate Impact

Unlike many deadly diseases like cancer, AIDS, or viruses, diabetes affects the individual from the beginning rather than manifesting over time. It is a treatable condition that requires swift action to prevent irreparable damage to the body.

Long-Term Consequences

Diabetes, when left untreated, can cause severe damage, starting with visual problems. Excessive sugar in the blood damages blood vessels, making artificial light uncomfortable and complicating night vision, eventually leading to complete blindness.

Skin ulcers may also develop in advanced diabetes, primarily on the feet. This results in a significant reduction in the body’s ability to resist cuts and slows down the healing process. Over time, the skin becomes prone to infections, and the extremities, especially the feet, are at risk of amputation.

Diabetes-Related Deaths Now

Variety of Health Complications

Diabetes can result in various complications such as heart problems due to high blood pressure and cholesterol. Thickened blood from the pancreas’s inability to produce insulin can lead to cerebrovascular damage.

Diabetes can damage the nerves, causing sensations like tingling, burning, pain, or reduced sensitivity for no apparent reason. It can also have a significant impact on sexual health, reducing a man’s ability to achieve an erection.

Constant fatigue and tiredness, as well as a sense of heaviness, are common. Weakness and an inability to consume food normally can result from advanced Type I or Mellitus diabetes.

The organs most affected by diabetes are the pancreas and the kidneys. The high sugar levels in the blood can lead to kidney failure, necessitating urgent kidney transplants or dialysis.

Complications during Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes can lead to continued mortality for both babies and women. In non-pregnant women, it can result in irregular menstrual periods.

In rarer cases, diabetes can trigger periods of dementia and depression. Such a severe disease as Mellitus can lead to other bone-related problems like osteoporosis.

Diabetes-Related Deaths Now

It’s evident that hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can also lead to conditions such as heart disease. In different forms, diabetes can be fatal, making it one of the cruelest diseases in the world, following cancer and Ebola.

Preventing Long-Term Damage from Diabetes

Using a glucometer to monitor blood sugar levels is essential for diabetes management. This, combined with insulin injections, is just the first step in controlling the disease. Other critical factors include diet, exercise, and self-control.

For diabetics, sugar intake must be kept to a minimum. Striking a balance between sugar levels and insulin use is crucial for maintaining healthy blood and organ functionality.

If you are a smoker, quitting is the first step to improving your diabetes condition. Smoking, along with damaged organs, worsens lung health.

Diet and exercise are essential for better heart regulation, improved cardiovascular function, and enhanced blood flow.

To maintain healthy feet, regular examinations and the use of proper footwear and socks are crucial. Regular foot examinations, every 6 to 12 months, can help detect neurological damage and ensure that the right footwear and socks are being used.

Deaths from Diabetes in Mexico

In countries like Mexico, deaths from diabetes are not unusual but rather alarmingly common, making it one of the most affected countries in the Americas. The consumption of sugary drinks, junk food, spicy additives, and processed foods, in general, is damaging the health of Mexicans.

Approximately 40 million people in Mexico suffer from diabetes, with at least 3.7 million of them having

Finally, if you want to know a little more about this condition. I invite you to read my article Diabetes: What Is It? Understanding Diabetes: Causes, Types, and Warning Signs

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